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Môžete odmeniť strach psa?

Môžete posilniť starosti psa tak, že sa s ním vyskytujte, ako aj keď sa bojí, keď sa bojí?

V tomto príspevku:

Môžete posilniť starosti psa poskytnutím náklonnosti?
Ako posilniť vhodné správanie.
Prečo by ste mali blokovať nevhodné správanie.

Táto téma bola pre mňa náročná zložiť. Nikdy som neprišiel s odstránenou odpoveďou na otázku, ako aj dúfam, že toto publikovanie bude miestom pre pravdivú diskusiu. Chcel by som počuť vaše myšlienky v komentároch.

Môžete odmeniť starosti psa poskytnutím náklonnosti?

Keby iba existovala jednoduchá odpoveď!

Konzultoval som s mnohými odbornými inštruktormi psov fitness pre tento príspevok, vrátane Anthony Newmana, ktorý vedie výcvik Calm Energy Canine. Otočil obavy a pýtal sa ma, čo som si myslel. Tu je zhrnutie toho, čo som povedal:

Vždy sa pracovalo na tom, aby som upokojil môj psík, keď jeho starosti nevedú k agresii. Napríklad, keď sa bojí sirény Twister, stúpa sa na posteli. To nikoho neobťažuje, takže sa s ním pokojne domáhá a budem s ním hovoriť – alebo ho ignorovať, čo pravdepodobne nie je také pekné! Ak je zapojená agresia, ako je štekanie u cudzinca, snažím sa neposkytovať náklonnosť. Rozptyľujem ho a odmeňujem pokojné správanie.

Po tom všetkom mojej výskumnej štúdii pre tento príspevok to pre mňa ide. Poskytnutie pohodlia vystrašeným psom nebude spôsobovať žiadnu škodu. Ak však psík vykazuje nevhodné správanie od tohto obáv – štekania, stimulácie, vrčania – potom vyžaduje objavenie metódy na pokyny a posilnenie oveľa vhodnejšieho správania.

“Musíme mať na pamäti, že obavy sú emócie, nie konkrétne správanie,” uviedol odborník inštruktorka fitness Canine Joan Hunter Mayer, majiteľ zvedavého psieho psu. Posilňujeme alebo potrestáme správanie, nie emócie.

Newman tiež uviedol, že obavy sa nebudú posilňovať, pretože posilnenie pochádza z poskytovania odmeny.

“Skutočne strašný, úzkostlivý psí psí v situácii s vysokým výkonom, ako je búrka-fóbia, sa nestará o maznanie,” uviedol. Psík to nebude môcť zažiť ako odmenu.

Prečo je to náročná téma?

Jedným z dôvodov, prečo je táto téma pre mňa náročná, je to, že všetci sa nezhodujeme na tom, ako sa strašné psy prekladajú našu náklonnosť.

Profesionálny inštruktor psieho fitness Ty Brown z psích návykov online uviedol, že je presvedčený, že náklonnosť majiteľa pravdepodobne môže posilniť strachové správanie psa, pretože v komunikácii medzi týmito dvoma druhmi je rozpojenie.

Vynikajúcim príkladom toho je, keď štekanie psov a agresívnej strachu a vrčanie u cudzincov z náručí jej majiteľa. Brown uviedol, že to vidí veľa s bitovými psami.

„Psík sa cíti strašne, ako aj majiteľ hovorí s hlasom a rečou tela,‘ Aká vynikajúca práca. To je správne. I support the specify of mind you’re in,’” brown said. “It’s a type of enabling as well as doesn’t instruct the canine exactly how to offer keeping that fear.”

Súhlasím. Coddling a fear-aggressive canine will not assist her develop the skills she needs to offer with her fears in the future.

“It is essential to keep in mind in any type of canine training that dogs are not primates,” stated expert fitness instructor Rob Peladeau of fine-tuned K9. numerous of the things we do to assist our kids in fearful circumstances do not equate to the canine species.Yet, some fitness instructors state providing comfort might assist a canine feel much better in the moment, at least in some situations.

In her 2011 YouTube video “Calming A Fearful Animal,” expert canine fitness instructor Suzanne Clothier stated canine owners should offer affection to their frightened dogs. however in purchase for that affection to be helpful, it needs to be quiet, firm as well as remove – not frantic.

“Everything in my body language, my movements, my tone of voice, exactly how I touch the animal, has to say, ‘I understand that’s frightening for you. I got your back here,’” Clothier said.

Brown likewise wants his clients to comfort their dogs whenever the dogs are frightened or stressed, as well as he stated the very best method to do that is with structure.

“I want them to do it in a method that leads to growth on the dog’s behalf,” he said. “For example, a canine that is stressed by outside thunder might be finest soothed by being provided a command to lie in a bed as well as stay put.”

This is normally what I finish with Ace, as well as when he is in a calm state, he is able to get affection as a reward for his calm behavior. While there are different methods to offer comfort to our dogs, the long-term goal oughtto be to figure out exactly how to get rid of the dog’s worry or assist him discover to offer keeping that fear.

Ako posilniť vhodné správanie.

I always try to strengthen the behaviors I want from my dog, no matter what specify of mind he’s in. This is particularly essential when aggression is involved, no matter exactly how minor.

For example, my canine gets frightened when strangers method us in specific situations. He responds by barking, as well as this is a habits I typically don’t want to reinforce.

I can reassure my canine with affection all I want – “It’s OK. Je to v poriadku.” This may or may not impact my dog’s emotional state, however it’s not going to stop the unwanted barking. I understand him well, as well as while he may bark less, he’s still going to bark.

Ace will stop barking, however, if I calmly put him in a down/stay setting as well as ask him to focus on me – “watch.” His brain has to focus on something other than being frightened – obeying my commands. I choose not to utilize treats, however if treats draw out the habits I’m looking for, then so be it! All I care about in that moment is reinforcing the best behavior.

Dr. Patricia McConnell,  a licensed used animal behaviorist, composed a publish on her blog about exactly how you can’t strengthen fear through affection. one of her examples is when a fearful canine is barking at visitors. She composed that if the “strangers” toss treats at the dog, the treats would not “reward” the dog’s fear. Instead, the treats would really decrease the fear, which would ultimately assist the canine modification his habits (I like treats! Strangers bring treats! I like strangers!).

Do you see exactly how both these methods might assist a dog? everything depends upon the private dog, the distinct circumstance as well as the owner’s consistency.

Prečo by ste mali blokovať nevhodné správanie.

Another element – regardless of whether or not we provide affection – is that a dog’s own actions can really make the canine feel much more fearful, according to McConnell in the comment section of the exact same post.

For example, if the canine is lunging as well as barking at a stranger, the lunging as well as barking as well as getting worked up might make the canine feel much more afraid. This is why it’s so essential to prevent, block or stop these kinds of behaviors. Then, instruct as well as strengthen “good” behaviors such as sitting quietly.

Emotions are contagious.

If I want my canine Ace to be calm, the very first thing I requirement to do is be calm myself.

If Ace is frightened of an approaching stranger, as well as I select to anxiously pet my canine while repeating “It’s OK! Je to v poriadku!” while we run away, what am I interacting to him? I’m telling him, “I’m scared, as well as you much better be frightened too!”

Isn’t this the ideal example of exactly how our affection can really make a canine much more fearful? I believe so, however I’ve like to hear what you think. At the extremely least, it’s not going to assist the canine feel any type of less afraid.

How else can canine owners assist their fearful dogs?

Don’t punish a fearful dog. Instead, distract the canine as well as then reward him for suitable behaviors.
Provide the canine with great deals of exercise. Dogs with less energy are typically going to be less reactive.
Build your dog’s obedience skills so he’ll have much more self-control as well as a higher capability to pay interest to you.

In going with a listing of all fears as well as anxieties, brown stated he can typically discover obedience behaviors that:

Bring structure as well as are calming.

Achieve focus on the owner as well as for that reason send focus away from the source of the stress.

Lend a sense of leadership which is needed when a canine is feeling nervous.

“For that reason, we always put a great deal of emphasis on advanced obedience with all of our clients,” he said.

What do the rest of you think? are there circumstances where affection can reward a dog’s fears?

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How to assist a canine conquer a fear

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